Lighting Research Center

Advancing the effective use of light for society and the environment

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All LRC publications

DELTA (Demonstration and Evaluation of Lighting Technologies and Applications) - full-color booklets evaluate and publicize energy-efficient lighting solutions.

NLPIP (National Lighting Product Information Program) - reports provide brand-name performance information and education about lighting products and technologies.

Lighting Futures - Online newsletters published from 1995-2001 feature energy-efficient lighting technologies and techniques. Topics include roadways and driving, LEDs, daylighting, and much more.

ASSIST recommends - ASSIST publications include recommendations for LED life definition, testing and measurement, best practice guides for different lighting applications, and recommendations for selecting LED lighting.

Light and Health - research is being conducted by LRC scientists to investigate the impact of light on human health and wellbeing.

Specialized Topics

Value Metrics for Better Lighting - Written by LRC Director Mark S. Rea to commemorate the LRC's 25th Anniversary, this book brings together a wide range of research to illustrate how the effective use of light can benefit society and the environment. Value Metrics for Better Lighting is now available from SPIE Press.

Light Scoops: A Design Guide - This guide provides information on the design of a light scoop – an innovative type of skylight that increases daylight in the winter relative to summer. The guide includes a performance comparison of light scoops vs. other conventional skylights. The guide demonstrates how to design the light scoops to meet target light levels. This publication includes a case study evaluating the performance of fourteen light scoops installed at a corporate headquarters in central New York State.

John F. Waymouth Collection on Lamp Sciences and Technologies - Through the generosity of Dr. John F. Waymouth, and with financial support from OSRAM SYLVANIA, this collection offers a searchable database of Dr. Waymouth's extensive and annotated personal collection of papers, patents and reports on the science and technology of light sources.

Lighting for Older Adults - The LRC developed lighting principles for older adults and tested those principles in two assisted living facilities, demonstrating that lighting helps older adults maintain their independence and improves their quality of life. A special series of three booklets, Lighting the Way: A Key to Independence, address the needs and concerns of: the general public, designers and builders, and health care professionals.

The Lighting Pattern Book for Homes - By Russell P. Leslie, AIA, IES, and Kathryn M. Conway, MS. Originally in hardcover, this 222-page book is now available online at no charge. Illustrates common home lighting installations as well as energy-efficient upgrades and redesigns.

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